Auto Insurance is the most common, yet most important insurance purchase that you will make in your lifetime. Most insurance companies treat auto insurance as a commodity, where a “one size fits all model” works for everyone. Everyone knows they need the coverage since most states require liability coverage by law, however most do not know all the important components of what Auto Insurance is really about.
Ultimately there are four major components of Auto Insurance: Liability, Comprehensive, Collision, and Optional Coverages including Medical Payments, Rental, and Towing. At the Homestead Insurance Group, it is our responsibility to help you navigate these coverage options and build an auto insurance plan that fits your needs.
Some items to consider when purchasing Auto Insurance
Insurance Cost & Quality Coverage
Homestead recognizes the importance of low-cost insurance, but this should not sacrifice the quality of your auto insurance coverage either. We will be able to build a program to meet your budget, and coverage needs.
One of the most important factors that rarely is considered is agency representation. If you have a claim, we will assist you in your claims process. This service often includes making sure you a paid fairly, and help you resolve your claim quickly. This is a major difference if you purchase insurance online, or over the phone direct from the company. Purchasing direct does not give you an advocate that you can work with and ask questions when a claim occurs.
You will be able work with our agency over the phone, email, text, online, or even the old fashion way face to face.
In most cases when you purchase Auto Insurance Coverage, your decisions are made for you, without much or any input from you. Homestead believes that this process should be an engaging experience where you understand what your Auto Insurance covers. Our agents are experienced in helping thousands of clients choose a program to fit their needs and budget. You can count on our team to identify all the discounts, and coverage needs that are important to you, and or your family.
This is the most important part of the client relationship. Dealing with an agent requires accountability on our part. We make sure you understand your coverage options and select the coverage that fits your needs, not ours. This is why Homestead always has an advantage over the direct, and online carriers. They treat you as a profit or premium, while we cherish our relationships.